Patent Success or Failure Hinges on This…
I am often asked this question:
"Should an Inventor build on his Strengths or try to overcome his Personal Weakness?"
Well, I recently had to choose between the two. Like many people with a career that involves long periods of sitting behind a desk, I struggled with my weight. I’ve never enjoyed exercise, but luckily I do not have a sweet tooth either. To tackle this problem I chose to “build on my strength.” Instead of forcing myself to workout to get back into shape, I decided to eat healthier and eat less. Since then I’ve lost over twenty pounds.
All of my significant success has come from situations where I ignored my weaknesses and maximized my strengths. On the other hand, my greatest failures have come from times I had to rely on my weaknesses and my strengths did not factor into the equation.
Now, what’s this got to do with patents?
This concept is of the utmost importance when it comes to choosing between opportunities, products, or ideas you want to patent.
Frequently, the inventors I meet with have two, three, half a dozen ideas they want to patent. Usually, all at the same time. There’s the idea for a new toilet. A solar powered can
opener. And a cell phone application. Whatever. Tons of good ideas. But, the result is always the same. When energy gets divided among multiple projects nothing gets done.
Worse, much money is spent. Not a whole lot comes back.
But see, that’s the point. That’s what this is all about, right? Inventing, protecting with a patent, and then selling your idea to the world? Turning your dream product into a profitable reality? Coming up with the next bid idea that will make you millions.
Listen, patent success hinges on this:
You must focus on the single good idea that also capitalizes on your strengths and not on your weaknesses.
Think about how some of the greatest inventors the world has ever seen used this concept to their advantage.
If you can’t build your invention, don’t worry. Invent away and partner with a machinist or engineer (Henry Ford invented many parts for his car but hired machinists to build them?) If details aren’t your thing, hire a design crew. Thomas Edison had a whole team of tinkerers, called the muckers, to test out his ideas (one team of muckers worked on the alkaline storage batter for almost a decade). And of course, if you don’t understand the legal side of patent law, hire a patent attorney to make sure you get maximum protection.
This is the way things get done…products brought to market…fortunes made…how people go from a mind full of ideas to a bank account with lots and lots of zeroes! To make sure you get from where you are now, to where you want to be, focus on your strengths!
Of course, if you find yourself in need of a patent attorney, I’m here for you. And if you want to go out on your own, I can help you out too. Just sign up for our 10 Steps to Patenting Success email series. It shows you everything you need to know about protecting your idea through a patent. You can find it at