Boat Patent Granted For Collapsible Design
As a Fort Lauderdale patent attorney, with a special interest in boat patents, I am always looking for interesting news relating to new boating patents, products, and software. Fort Lauderdale patent attorneys are responsible for securing a number of innovations relating to this industry, and the city is a major yachting center, with 42,000 resident yachts and over 100 marinas and boatyards. In fact, South Florida is home to the annual International Boatbuilders Exhibition & Conference.
Boat patents are especially important considering the invention of collapsible boat stature. In the collapsible boat, the sections are styled in such a fashion that they may be stacked in order to ease transportation of the boat. More so, the boat encloses such a structure that its sections can be readily and easily assembled to become waterproof on being fully assembled, according to an article in
The collapsible boat consist a number of sections including a stern section and a bow section. The said sections are adapted to be stacked in a nested assembly and transported. This means,
each section for securing the said sections form end-to-end relation, forms a leak proof and rigid boat. This improvement comprises of a plurality of sections. Each of the said sections have side walls and end walls. Each of these sections has L-shaped bar extending laterally on one end adjacent top thereof from side wall to side wall. Further there is a second L-shaped bar on the other end of the said section extending laterally and adjacent the top.